Hi, thanks for stopping by. Due to many people reaching out to me about calligraphy, I've provided some answers to common questions here for beginners. 

Please note that most of my 1:1 time is spent on those who have already invested in my programs (part of Kimmunity, attended a workshop, etc) so I may not be able to answer your specific questions in detail.

If you are ready to take you calligraphy to the next level and receive the best support, click: LEARN MORE


Q. Where can I buy calligraphy kits?

A. If you're within Australia, you can order from my online store.

If you're outside of Australia, simply Google 'Calligraphy stores' in your local area.


Q. Where do you recommend I find some great resources on improving my calligraphy?

A. Visit my YouTube page and if you haven't watched my free online masterclass (or want to re-watch), you can register HERE.


Q. Do I need neat handwriting to be good at calligraphy?

A. Absolutely not! Handwriting and Calligraphy are two very different set of skills.


Q. I am left handed. Do you offer tips and suggestions for my type of writing style? 

A. Although I’m not a lefty, I have students who are lefties in my in-person workshops AND my online classes, and I can tell you that you can absolutely still do it. 

With time, you’ll learn and adjust to what the best method of pen grip will be for you along with paper positioning.


Q. Where can I find free practice sheets?

A. My Kimmunity members receive a lot of traceable practice sheets that they can download, however you can get started with our complimentary practice sheet.  


Q. What’s the best place to start learning Modern Calligraphy?

A. There are plenty of beginner resources avaliable online which you can find by searching on Google or Youtube. The next best place is to join Kimmunity so you have long-term support.


Q. What’s the best place to start learning Modern Calligraphy?

A. There are plenty of beginner resources avaliable online which you can find by searching on with Google or Youtube. The next best place is to join Kimmunity so you have long-term support.


Q. What does a basic calligraphy kit included?

A. A basic kit for any calligraphy artist will include a penholder, nibs, ink, paper towels, a jar for water and pliers (optional) 


Q. Are there any tools you would suggest to avoid?

A. Yes there is! The plastic penholders with a round nib holder would be best avoided while they are cheap and affordable you can't position the nib correctly in them.


Q. What nib do you suggest for beginners?

A. Something that is a little stiff but also has flexibility, my favourite for beginners is the Nikko G.


Q. What is an affordable ink that I could use?

A. Sumi ink is a great ink to start with 


Q. What paper should I use?

A. The best and most budget-friendly practice paper is laser/digital printing paper, aim for 100gsm or higher.


Q. How often should I practice?

A. As much as you can, 30 mins a day is a great starting pointing but don't stress out if you don't have that time everyday that's ok!!!

Life gets busy so do as much as you can, when you can. 


Q. Why should I practice?

A. Practice Makes Progress. Like any new skill you learn practice will help you improve that skill, it will help with muscle memory and the time you practice will also help calm your mind through creative mindfulness.